Keep Third Street In Tune! image

Keep Third Street In Tune!

Your support helps us provide quality music and arts education for over 5,000 students across NYC each year.

$43,955 raised

$50,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Give the gift of music!

Third Street relies on the Annual Fund and charitable gifts from supporters such as yourself to help provide much-needed tuition assistance to remove financial barriers for aspiring artists and musicians. Tuition alone does not cover the costs of instruction, lesson books, sheet music, instrument rental and recital concerts. A gift of $1,000 will provide music instruction to one child for a year, $500 will give a public school student access to music and arts education, $250 will subsidize a senior participant to join a music ensemble and $100 will mean a child can be outfitted for a ballet class.

Join at a giving level to show your support for Third Street:

  • $2,500 Mini-Maestros help orchestrate Third Street's music-centered preschool curriculum
  • $1,500 Band Leaders keep the tempo on the latest developments in early childhood education
  • $1,000 Ensemble Players ensure access to music and arts education through financial aid programs
  • $500 Composers supply the resources needed for am enriching classroom experience
  • $250 Lyricists know the score when it comes to building literacy skills
  • $100 Accompanists support and promote music, dance, and arts to build a better community